Introduction by Example

We introduce the fundamental components of thgsp here.

Graph in thgsp


You are supposed to follow the code blocks step by step to avoid any program error.

A graph in thgsp is an instance of thgsp.graphs.Graph (for undirected graph) or thgsp.graphs.DiGraph (for directed graph). You can initiate it from an adjacency matrix with any type of torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray and scipy.spmatrix.

import torch
import numpy as np
from thgsp.graphs import random_graph
N=8 # number of nodes

You can draw graphs with tools in thgsp.visual, which employs networkx to plot. Execute the following block.

# ==> continue the last code block
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from thgsp.visual import draw,draw_cn, draw_signal
draw(g,ax=axes[0])     # plain draw of graph
draw_cn(g, pos=torch.rand(N,2),ax=axes[1]) # draw_cn will by default assign different colors to nodes.
# `cmap` is the colormap of node colors,  `edge_cmap` is the colormap of edge colors.
draw_signal(g2,signal=torch.rand(N),ax=axes[2], cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet'), edge_cmap= plt.get_cmap("copper"))

You will get an image like this.


Graph Fourier Transform

To support brute-force graph filtering, thgsp.graphs.Graph can produce graph Fourier basis and graph frequencies either in a on-the-fly or cache way. For large graphs, it can be unfriendly to cache them with respect to both memory and computation since the graph Fourier basis is usually dense matrix. Note that thgsp.graphs.DiGraph’s adjacency matrix are not symmetric and there is no acknowledged corresponding graph Fourier transform(GFT) defined. Denote the adjacency and Laplacian(either normalized or not) matrices of an undirected graph by \(A\) and \(L\) respectively, the Graph Fourier transform(GFT) originates from the eigenvalue decomposition of either \(A\) or \(L\). As both of two are symmetric, there must be an unitary matrix \(U\) such that \(A=U\Lambda U^T(or L=U\Lambda U^T)\).

# ==> continue the last code block
L=g.L()         # SparseTensor
basis=g.U()     # dense tensor
evd_err=(basis @ torch.diag(frequency) @ basis.t()- L.to_dense()).abs().sum() # check the EVD of normalized Laplacian
print(evd_err)  # expected to be tiny

In the remainder contents, we adopt the graph Fourier transform defined with the normalized Laplacian \(L=I-D^{-1/2}AD^{-1/2}\). Then GFT and the consequent spectral filtering can be formulated as:

\[\begin{split}\left\{\begin{array}{ll} G F T & \hat{s}_{\mathrm{in}}=U^{T} s_{\mathrm{in}} \\ F i l t e r i n g & \hat{s}_{\mathrm{out}}=h(\Lambda) \hat{s}_{\mathrm{in}} \\ I G F T & s_{\mathrm{out}}=U \hat{s}_{\mathrm{out}} \\ \end{array}\right.\end{split}\]

where \(s_{in}\) and \(s_{out}\) are the input and output graph signals, separately and \(\hat{s}_{in}\) is the graph Fourier coefficient of \(s_{in}\). After transforming \(s_{in}\) into the spectral domain, a polynomial function(kernel) \(h(\Lambda)\) defined in the graph spectrum performs a element-wise multiplication with \(\hat{s}_{in}\) to attenuate or enhance spectral components of \(s_{in}\). For example, if you’d like to filter out components with high frequency, i.e., high vibration, a low-pass kernel \(h(\Lambda)\), e.g., \(h_0\) displayed below, is desired.(Also you can see a high-pass kernel \(h_1\))


The bellowing code snippet shows graph Fourier transform on a random graph signal.

# ==> continue the last code block
s_in_hat= basis.t() @ s_in  # GFT
s_out_hat=s_in_hat          # Don't change any spectral components here
s_out=basis @ s_out_hat     # IGFT
err=(s_in-s_out).abs().sum()     # The signal is unaltered

Let’s try to attenuate the high-frequency components. which can be done with an ideal low-pass filter. You can define an ideal low-pass kernel or just import it from thgsp.

# ==> continue the last code block
def my_ideal_kernel(frequencies):       # define the ideal low-pass kernel
    return y

response=my_ideal_kernel(fs)    # the response of my_ideal_kernel
s_out_hat= response * s_in_hat
s_out=basis @ s_out_hat
print("frequency:   ", frequency)
print("s_out:       ",s_out)
print("std of s_in: ",s_in.std())
print("std of s_out:",s_out.std())


Note that all eigenvalues of symmetric normalized Laplacian are all scattered in \([0,2]\) and \(1\) is the frequency that bisects the frequency domain.

After the low-pass filtering, we get a smoother graph signal \(s_{out}\), which has less vibration. You can plot \(s_{out}\) and \(s_{in}\) to check that.

# ==> continue the last code block
import networkx as nx
xy= nx.spring_layout(g.to_networkx(g.is_directed))
plt.figure(figsize=(2 * 6, 2 * 6))
# draw graph signals
maximum=max(s_out.max(), s_in.max())
minimum=max(s_out.min(), s_in.min())
ax = plt.subplot(221)
plt.title("The input signal")
draw_signal(g, xy, s_in, ax, vmin=minimum,vmax=maximum)
ax = plt.subplot(222)
plt.title("The output signal")
draw_signal(g, xy, s_out, ax, vmin=minimum,vmax=maximum)

# plot kernel and response
plt.stem(fs.numpy(),s_in_hat.abs(),linefmt='grey',label="GFT coeffs of $s_{in}$")
plt.plot(fre,my_ideal_kernel(fre),'--',label="ideal kernel",c='g')
plt.xlabel("$\lambda$/ graph frequency")

plt.stem(fs.numpy(),s_out_hat.abs(),linefmt='grey',label="GFT coeffs of $s_{out}$")
plt.plot(fre,my_ideal_kernel(fre),'--',label="ideal kernel",c='g')
plt.xlabel("$\lambda$/ graph frequency")

You could see a figure similar to the following one.


Graph Filter(bank) in thgsp

The plain GFT filter(bank) is implemented as thgsp.filters.Filter, which keeps Co*Ci frequency response kernels (functions) to filter Ci input channel signals and combine the results to get Co output channel signals, with predefined channel aggregation weights. thgsp.filters.Filter can cope with the input signals carried by either (N,Ci) or (N,) Tensor. We now introduce it with a plainest case wherein the processing of a (N,) tensor by thgsp.filters.Filter with only 1 input and output channel is considered.

# ==> continue the last code block
from thgsp.filters import Filter
filter1= Filter(g,my_ideal_kernel,order=50)
print(filter1)                          # check the information of filter1
y1= filter1(s_in,cheby=False)           # Filtering s_in
y2= filter1(s_in)                       # Filtering s_in with 100-deg Chebyshev approximation
print("y1   :", y1)
print("y2   :", y2)
print("s_out:", s_out)
assert (s_out-y1).abs().sum() < 1e-6    # check the result by comparing y1 with s_out

As shown by y2, the error of Chebyshev approximation is not trivial. This err can be decreased via replacing ideal low-pass kernel by other ones having smoother transition at λ = 1.

Such graph filter has already been implemented in pygsp. Let’s try something new. Suppose our signals are with 3 input channels, and we tend to transform them into signals(or features) with 2 output channels. To construct such MIMO style graph filter banks, Co x Ci (here 2 x 3=6) kernels are in need. The signal of each output channel is determined by those of all input channels. You may be curious about how 6 filtered signals are transformed to 2 signals. The mechanism is as simple as a weighted summation of 3 filtered signals. And the weights can be determined by users when they initialize an instance of thgsp.filters.Filter or just leave them identical to 1 by default. In thgsp, such MIMO filterbanks require a np.ndarray of kernels shaped as Co x Ci. Let’s create a filter-bank consisting of ideal low-pass and ideal high-pass kernels.

# ==> continue the last code block
def ideal_hp_kernel(x):         # define an ideal high-pass kernel
    return y
krns = np.array([[my_ideal_kernel,    my_ideal_kernel,    my_ideal_kernel],
                 [ideal_hp_kernel, ideal_hp_kernel,   ideal_hp_kernel]])  # 2(Cout) x 3(Cin) kernel array
print(out1.shape)       # (8, 2)
print(out2.shape)       # (8, 2)

The signal of first output channel is a weighted summation of three filtered input signals. Since all-one weights are used by default, s_out ought to be 3 times over y in the first output channel. Check it!

# ==> continue the last code block
assert torch.allclose(out1[:,0]/3, y1)
assert torch.allclose(out2[:,0]/3, y2)

The full eigenvalue decomposition of large sparse matrix is insufferably slow. Hence David K Hammond, et. al., 1 propose to bypass EVD with Chebyshev approximation. But the approximation error for some kernels is not negligible in the context of GFT-based filters. Beyond GFT is graph wavelet analysis. David K Hammond, et al., have built one framework of graph wavelet analysis, and the details can be found in the referenced paper. We don’t provide out-of-the-box tools for this analysis framework because there is an official package – pygsp that supports it. Even so, you can implement them on the basis of thgsp.filters.Filter.

In the next note, we introduce a two-channel wavelet filterbank 2 for bipartite graph and extendable for arbitrary undirected graph. This wavelet filterbank determines one kind of graph wavelet transform distinguishing itself from the aforementioned one by the critical sampling, which means that the number of wavelet coefficients is equal to that of graph nodes.


David K Hammond, et al., Wavelets on Graphs via Spectral Graph Theory, 2011


Sunil K. Narang, et al, Perfect Reconstruction Two-Channel Wavelet Filter Banks for Graph Structured Data, 2012