

harary(A: torch_sparse.tensor.SparseTensor, vtx_color: Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, int, float, complex, str, bytes, numpy.generic, Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, numpy.generic]], Sequence[Sequence[Any]], numpy.typing._array_like._SupportsArray, List[int], Tuple[int]]] = None, threshold: float = 0.97) Tuple[List[scipy.sparse.lil.lil_matrix], numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, Dict[int, int]][source]

Harary bipartite decomposition

  • A (SparseTensor) – The adjacency matrix

  • vtx_color (array_like, optional) – All valid type for np.asarray() is acceptable, including torch.Tensor on cpu. If None, this function will invoke thgsp.alg.dsatur() silently.

  • threshold (float, optional) –


  • bptG (List[lil_matrix]) – An array consisting of M bipartite subgraphs formatted as scipy.sparse.lil_matrix

  • beta (array) – beta[:,i] is the bipartite set indicator of i-th subgraph

  • beta_dist (array) – A table showing the relationship between beta and channels

  • new_vtx_color (array) – The node colors

  • mapper (dict) – Map new_vtx_color to the original ones. For example mapper={1:2, 2:3, 3:1} map 1,2 and 3-th color to 2,3 and 1, respectively.


osglm(A: torch_sparse.tensor.SparseTensor, lc: Optional[int] = None, vtx_color: Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, int, float, complex, str, bytes, numpy.generic, Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, numpy.generic]], Sequence[Sequence[Any]], numpy.typing._array_like._SupportsArray, List[int], Tuple[int]]] = None)[source]

The oversampled bipartite graph approximation method proposed in 1

  • A (SparseTensor) – The adjacent matrix of graph.

  • lc (int) – The ordinal of color marking the boundary such that all nodes with a smaller color ordinal are grouped into the low-pass channel while those with a larger color ordinal are in the high-pass channel.

  • vtx_color (iter) – The graph coloring result


  • bptG (lil_matrix) – The oversampled graph(with additional nodes)

  • beta (np.ndarray)

  • append_nodes (np.ndarray) – The indices of those appended nodes

  • vtx_color (np.ndarray) – The node colors



Akie Sakiyama, et al, “Oversampled Graph Laplacian Matrix for Graph Filter Banks”, IEEE trans on SP, 2016.


admm_bga(A: torch.Tensor, M: int = 1, alpha: float = 100.0, metric: str = 'fro21', cut_edge: bool = True, B0: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, convergence_marker: float = 1e-08, check_step: int = 1000, verbose: bool = False, nonnegative: bool = True, rho: float = 0.01, eta: float = 1.01, max_iter: int = 100000, early_stop: bool = False, max_rho: float = 10000000000.0) torch.Tensor[source]

The program is to find the bipartite graph approximation via solving the following optimization problem 2 .

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} \min _{\left\{\mathbf{B}_{i}\right\}} & \sum_{i=1}^{L}\left\|\mathbf{ A}-\mathbf{B}_{i}\right\|_{F}^{2}+\alpha \sum_{i=1}^{L} \sum_{j \neq i} \operatorname{Tr}\left\{\mathbf{B}_{i}^{T} \mathbf{B}_{j}\right\} \\ \text { s.t. } & \mathbf{B}_{i} \in \mathcal{B} \end{array}\end{split}\]


This algorithm does NOT guarantee bipartite output graphs in some cases. Nevertheless, the output graphs are almost bipartite,i.e., only a few edges violate the bipartiteness. One can use is_bipartite_fix() to fix the output under such circumstances.

  • A (Tensor(N x N)) – N is the number of graph nodes

  • M (int, optional) – The number of bipartite graphs to learn

  • alpha (float,optional) – The parameter which controls the orthogonality among learnt bipartite graphs

  • metric (str,optional) – The error metric between the learned bipartite graphs and the original graph

  • cut_edge (bool,optional) – If True, cut the edges in the learned bipartite graphs that not exist in the original graph

  • B0 (Tensor,optional) – The initialization of B

  • convergence_marker (float,optional) – the procedure converges if the error between B and A < this value

  • check_step (int,optional) – the step interval to display iteration information

  • verbose (bool,optional) –

  • nonnegative (bool,optional) – If True, allow negative edge weight in the learned bipartite graphs B

  • rho (float,optional) – A step argument

  • eta (float,optional) – The update factor of rho

  • max_iter (int,optional) – The max ADMM iteration times

  • early_stop (bool,optional) – If True, the procedure will return B once all learned graphs are bipartite

  • max_rho (float,optional) –


B – The learnt bipartite subgraph(s)

Return type




Aimin Jiang, et al, “Admm-based Bipartite Graph Approximation”, ICASSP, 2019.


amfs(A: torch_sparse.tensor.SparseTensor, Sigma=None, level=None, delta=0.1, thresh_kld=1e-06, priority=True, verbose=False) Tuple[List[scipy.sparse.lil.lil_matrix], numpy.ndarray][source]

AMFS bipartite approximation for graph wavelet signal processing 3.

  • A (SparseTensor) – The adjacency matrix.

  • Sigma (scipy.spmatrix, optional) – The covariance matrix specified by the Laplacian matrix L. If None, \(\Sigma^{-1}=L+\delta I\)

  • level (int, optional) – The number of bipartite subgraphs, i.e., the decomposition level. If None, \(level=\lceil log_2( \mathcal{X}) \rceil\), where \(\mathcal{X}\) is the chromatic number of A.

  • delta (float, optional) – \(1/\delta\) is interpreted as the variance of the DC compnent. Refer to 4 for more details.

  • thresh_kld (float, optional) – Threshold of Kullback-Leibler divergence to perform AMFS decomposition.

  • priority (bool,optional) – If True, KLD holds priority.

  • verbose (bool,optional) –


  • bptG (List[SparseTensor]) – The bipartite subgraphs.

  • beta (Tensor(N, M)) – The indicator of bipartite sets



Jing Zen, et al, “Bipartite Subgraph Decomposition for Critically Sampledwavelet Filterbanks on Arbitrary Graphs,” IEEE trans on SP, 2016.


A. Gadde, et al, “A probablistic interpretation of sampling theory of graph signals”. ICASSP, 2015.


bga Utils


Generate a (2^M, N) bool mask tensor to indicate which channel(color group) one node belongs to. All channels have disjoint node sets and hence the sum along the channel dimension returns a all-one(True) (N,) tensor.


This function is a common approach to generate channel mask for multi-channel wavelet filterbank. Either coloring or numerical based bipartite approximation algorithm can employ this function.


beta (BoolTensor(N,M)) – Bipartite partition indicator tensor. N and M are the node and bipartite subgraph numbers, respectively.


  • mask (BoolTensor(2**M,N)) – The indices of True in i-th row are nodes whose signal will be kept in i-th channel.

  • beta_dist (array(2**M,M))) – An array, see the doc of thgsp.filters.QmfCore for the details.

beta2color_group(beta, th=True)[source]

Actually, beta2channel_group is more exact since “color” here is not exact graph coloring. However we can take it as an approximation of graph coloring.

  • beta (BoolTensor(N,M)) – Bipartite partition indicator tensor. N and M are the node and bipartite subgraph numbers, respectively.

  • th (bool, optional) – If True, the value of returned dict is Tensor otherwise array.


  • color_group (dict) – color_group[i] is a LongTensor (or array) of node indices colored with i-th color.

  • beta_dist (array) – An array, see the doc of thgsp.filters.QmfCore for the details.

beta_dist2channel_name(beta_dist, reverse=False)[source]

Generate the channel names(\(L\) or H) for each channel according to beta_dist. By default, 0 and 1 means H and L, respectively.

  • beta_dist (ByteTensor(2^M,M)) – An array, see the doc of thgsp.filters.Qmf for the details.

  • reverse (bool,optional) – If True, 0 means L.


An array composed by H and L. Each row corresponds to one channel.

Return type


bipartite_mask(bt, sparse=True)[source]

Generate a bool mask matrix which can extract a bipartite subgraph from any graph (represented by a matrix) .

  • bt (BoolTensor, array) – The indicator of two bipartite sets. All nodes within a same bipartite set is characterized by a same bool value, e.g.,True. Shape: (N,), N is the number of graph nodes.

  • sparse (bool) – If True, return lil_matrix.


Return type


cohere_color_idx(colors, color_group)[source]
  • colors (Iterable) – Indices(ordinals) of colors. np.array([0,2,1]) means the 0,2,1-th color

  • color_group (dict) – color_group[i] is a np.ndarray of node indices colored with i-th color.


A Composed by node ordinals which are colored by any one among the colors.

Return type


is_bipartite_fix_th(A: torch.Tensor, fix_flag: bool = False) Tuple[bool, List[int], torch.Tensor][source]

Check if a graph is bipartite using BFS-based 2-color coloring and furthermore can fix a graph to a bipartite one by deleting edges bridging two nodes colored with a same color.

  • A (Tensor) – The adjacency matrix

  • fix_flag (bool,optional) – If True, fix A to a bipartite graph by zeroing some elements in-place.


  • flag (bool) – If True, the returned adjacency matrix represents a bipartite graph

  • vxt_color (list) – A list recording the vertex colors which are all 1 or 0.

  • A (Tensor) – The adjacency matrix of returned graph.