Efficient Sampling Set Selection¶
- ess(operator, M, k=2)[source]¶
An efficient sampling set selection method for bandlimited graph signals 1.
- Parameters
- Returns
S – A list containing sampled nodes with the sampling order
- Return type
- 1
Aamir Anis, et al., “Efficient sampling set selection for bandlimited graph signals using graph spectral proxies,” IEEE TSP, 2016.
Fast Graph Sampling Set Selection¶
- bsgda(spm: torch_sparse.tensor.SparseTensor, K: int, mu: float = 0.01, epsilon: float = 1e-05, p_hops: int = 12, boost=True) Tuple[List, float] [source]¶
A fast deterministic vertex sampling algorithm on Gershgorin disc alignment and for smooth graph signals 2.
- Parameters
spm (SparseTensor) – The sparse adjacency matrix.
K (int) – The desired number of sampling nodes.
mu (float) – The parameter for graph Laplacian based signal reconstruction. Refer to Eq(7) 2 for the details.
epsilon (float) – The numerical precision for binary search (1e-5 by default
p_hops (int) – Estimate the coverage subsets(refer to Definition 1 2) within the
neighborhood.boost (bool) –
- Returns
sampled_nodes (List) – The sampled nodes.
left (float) – The approximate threshold
, i.e., the lower bound of the eigenvalues of \(\mathbf{H}^{\top} \mathbf{H}+\mu \mathbf{L}\).
Random sampling of bandlimited signals¶
- estimate_lk(G, k, num_estimation=1, num_rv=None, epsilon=0.01, lmin=None, lmax=None, return_coherence=True, order=30, lap_type='comb', verbose=False)[source]¶
Estimate the optimal distribution according to which the bandlimited graph signals are sampled 3 .
- Parameters
G (GraphBase) – The graph
k (int) – The
-th smallest eigenvalue of graph Laplaciannum_estimation (int) – The number of times the estimation of \(\lambda_{k}\) is going to run
epsilon (float) – The tolerance of binary search to find approximated \(\lambda_{k}\)
lmin (float) – The smallest frequency of graph Laplacian
lmax (float) – The largest frequency of graph Laplacian
return_coherence (bool) – If
, return the estimated square of graph local cumulative coherence 3 of all nodesorder (int) – The order of the Chebyshev approximation
lap_type (str) –
, andrw
represent combinatorial, symmetric normalized, and random-walk normalized Laplacian, separatelyverbose (bool) –
- Returns
- rsbs(G: thgsp.graphs.core.GraphBase, M: int, k: Optional[int] = None, num_estimation: int = 1, num_rv: Optional[int] = None, epsilon: float = 0.01, lmin: Optional[float] = None, lmax: Optional[float] = None, order: int = 30, lap_type: str = 'comb', return_list: bool = False, verbose: bool = False)[source]¶
Random sampling algorithm for bandlimited signals 3 .
- Parameters
G (GraphBase) – The graph to be handled
M (int) – The number of vertices to be sampled
k (int, optional) – The
-th smallest eigenvalue of graph Laplacian. If None,k = M
.num_estimation (int) – The number of times the estimation of \(\lambda_{k}\) is going to run
epsilon (float) – The tolerance of binary search to find approximated \(\lambda_{k}\)
lmin (float) – The smallest frequency of graph Laplacian
lmax (float) – The largest frequency of graph Laplacian
return_list (bool) – If
, returnList
otherwise aTensor
having the samedtype
as the input graphG
.order (int) – The order of the Chebyshev approximation
lap_type (str) –
, andrw
represent combinatorial, symmetric normalized, and random-walk normalized Laplacian, separately.verbose (bool) –
- Returns
sampled_nodes (List, Tensor) – The sampling set
cum_coh (Tensor) – The sampling possibilities of all nodes
Eigen-decomposition free sampling¶
- fastgsss(G: thgsp.graphs.core.GraphBase, M, bandwidth, nu=75.0, cheby=True, order=12, verbose=False)[source]¶
FastGSSS proposed in 4 .
- Parameters
G (GraphBase) – The graph whose signals are to sample
M (int) – The desired number of sampled nodes
bandwidth (int) – The estimated bandwidth of original signals
nu (float) – The parameter controlling the width of the heat diffusion filter kernel.
cheby (bool) – If
, compute the localization operator with Chebyshev approximation; otherwise compute it from a direct expensive EVD.order (int) – The order of Chebyshev approximation.
- Returns
S (List) – The sample set
T (SparseTensor) – The localization operator
- 4
A. Sakiyama, Y. Tanaka, T. Tanaka, and A. Ortega, “Eigendecomposition-free sampling set selection for graph signals,” IEEE TSP, 2020.
- recon_fastssss(y, S, T, order, sd=0.5)[source]¶
A primary implementation of reconstruction method associated with “FastSSS” sampling algorithm.
- Parameters
y (Tensor) – The measurements on sampling set :obj:S:. If the localization operator
has a density greater than the thresholdsd
has a shape of either(M,)
; otherwisey
could only be either(M,)
.S (List) – A list consisting of all indices of sampled nodes.
T (Tensor, SparseTensor) – The localization operator
order (int) –
sd (float) – The threshold of
’s density that controls when we use a dense or sparse linear solver.
- Returns
The signal recovered from the measurements
.- Return type
- construct_sampling_matrix(N, S, dtype=None, device=None, layout='csr', return_ts=False)[source]¶
Construct the sampling matrix \(\mathbf{H} \in\{0,1\}^{M \times N}\) defined as follows.
\[\begin{split}\mathbf{H}_{i j}= \begin{cases}1, & j=\mathcal{S}_{i} \\ 0, & \text { otherwise } \end{cases}\end{split}\]- Parameters
N (int) – The total number of nodes
S (list, array, torch.Tensor) – The 1-D list of sampled nodes.
dtype (torch.dtype, optional) – The dtype
layout (str) – The memory layout of the generated sparse matrix. One of (“csc”, “csr”, “coo”).
device (torch.device, str, optional) – If True and cupy is installed, use cupy`as backend; otherwise `scipy.
return_ts (bool,) – If False, return scipy.sparse.spmatrix of device is GPU else ‘cupyx.scipy.sparse.spmatrix’
- Returns
H – The
scipy sparse matrix withlayout
format- Return type